Our principles


We try to make EcoWeeks as ethical and sustainable as possible. Here are the principles we work by:

Discipline and rules


Above all, though, we expect everyone at an EcoWeek - adult and child - to accept responsibility for the creation of a happy, tolerant, friendly community in which everyone's strengths are celebrated and their weaknesses are supported. As far as possible we avoid petty rules, but we do expect everybody to accept a simple structure:

EcoWeek rules

Rule 1

Nobody at EcoWeek may deliberately harm the health, safety or happiness of themselves or anyone else

Rule 2

There is no Rule 2


When arguments arise we will use principles of conflict resolution to find a win-win solution wherever possible. Please note, though, that we reserve the right to ask for a child to be removed if their presence is disruptive or dangerous (ie for serious breaches of Rule 1).

We do not tolerate bullying in any form or at any level. Bullying is a serious breach of Rule 1.